Internet of Things in the Workplace

Franklin Ramsoomair*, Elliot Kolb**
* Faculty, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
**Quality and Operations Professional, Pharmaceuticals and Cannabis Production, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Periodicity:September - November'2018


The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) as a viable technology for businesses has been changing how the workplace functions since its introduction. The versatility of the IoT has enabled companies to improve their competitive advantage through increased autonomous decision making, allowing for improvements in productivity, and resulting in better bottom-line performance. An examination of the impact that the IoT is having was performed in order to validate its positive effects and better understand its shortcomings. The results have shown that in the majority of applications, the IoT improves efficiency, quality, and cost metrics, but potential vulnerabilities in security preclude it from being recommended for all applications. Therefore, managers are advised to evaluate areas of their business that could benefit from IoT's analytical abilities, but do not require high security protocols in order to maximize gains from its implementation.


Internet of Things, Internet, Remote Control, Artificial Intelligence.

How to Cite this Article?

Ramsoomair, F., Kolb, E. (2018). Internet Of Things In The Workplace.i-manager's Journal on Management, 13(2), 13-23.


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