t = 0.66 √fck for river sand mixes and ft = 0.82fck0.48 for crushed rock sand .


Use of Crushed Rock Sand as an Alternative to River Sand in Bacterial Concrete

C. Venkata Siva Rama Prasad*, T. V. S. Vara Lakshmi **
*Research Scholar,Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering & Technology, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
**Asst.Professor & Head,Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering & Technology, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2019
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jce.9.1.14341


Bacterial concrete has emerged as a corrective measure for treating cracks in structures such as bridges, RCC buildings, RCC pipes, channel linings, flooring, etc. it cracks and reduces its resistance and also has an impact on the reinforcement once it has come into contact with water, carbon dioxide and various chemicals. To repair cracks in concrete, regular maintenance and special treatment is required, which can be extremely costly. In this paper, Bacillus subtilis bacteria with calcite lactate are used as part of different percentages, such as 5%, 10% and 15% of cement weight for M20 grade concrete. The effect of crushed rock sand on the strength properties of bacterial concrete studied. SEM and X-Ray Diffraction examined on concrete. Bacteria produce CaCO3 precious stones which hinders the smaller scale cracks and pores in the concrete subsequent to responding with calcium lactate.Upto 10%bacterial solution,the concrete strength increses. An empirical relation between flexural strength and compressive strength is proposed in the formula of ft = 0.66 √fck for river sand mixes and ft = 0.82fck0.48 for crushed rock sand .


Bacterial Concrete,Bacillus Subtili,Crushed rock sand,SEM,X-Ray Diffraction.

How to Cite this Article?

Prasad, C. V. S. R., & Lakshmi, T.V.S.V(2019). Use of Crushed Rock Sand as an Alternative to River Sand in Bacterial Concrete. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 9(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26634/jce.9.1.14341


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