Creating New Mathematical Applications Utilizing SMART Table

Cheryl Swanier*, Cheryl Swanier**, Justus N. Nyagwencha***, Ashley L. Cagle****, Navorro Houser*****
* Associate Professor, Samuel Ginn College of Engg., Auburn University.
** Associate Professor, Computer Science Dept.,Fort Valley State University.
*** Ph.D Student, Samuel Ginn College of Engg., Auburn University.
**** Senior, Southern University, New Orleans.
***** Senior, Fort Valley State University, Georgia.
Periodicity:March - May'2011


SMART Technologies is leading the way for interactive learning, through their many different tools. The SMART Table is a multi-user, multi-touch interactive interface that not only teaches children different concepts in fun ways(Steurer P., 2003 ), but it also inspires cooperative competition. In Alabama, the state curriculum for kindergarten through second grade in mathematics education instructs students in the rudimentary manipulation of the base numbers zero through ten(Education, 2003). Teachers will greatly benefit from a funmathematical interactive educational system that involves base numbers. During this project, we implemented an educational tool utilizing the SMART Table SDK and Visual Studios 2008 to teach K-2 inequalities and the number line through educational software.


SMART Table, SMART Technologies

How to Cite this Article?

Seals,C.D., Swanier,C.S., Nyawencha,J.N., Cagle,A.L. and Houser,N.(2011). Creating New Mathematical Applications Utilizing Smart Table.i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology, 6(4),1-6.


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