Video-Based Learning of Quantitative Courses in Higher Education

Yaron Ghilay*
Senior Lecturer, NB School of Design and Education, Haifa, Israel
Periodicity:July - September'2018


The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of a model called Video-Based Learning (VBL). VBL is designed to improve the learning of higher education courses, especially those based on activities performed on a computer screen, or learning related to the understanding of visual objects, such as formulas, equations, diagrams, etc. The present study aims to examine the effectiveness of the model for quantitative courses, such as statistics, mathematics, computer courses, or equivalent. The research was based on six samples of students (n1=14, n2=41, n3=17, n4=27, n5=27, n6=19, ntotal=145) who studied three quantitative courses: Fundamentals of PSPP, Introduction to Statistics and 5 6 total Math for Business Administration. The learners were asked to answer an online questionnaire to assess the characteristics and advantages of VBL for their studies. The findings of the study indicate that, according to the students' perceptions, VBL has a significant advantage for students' learning in quantitative courses in higher education: The learning process is outstanding and is much better than reading texts or listening to live lectures and it is considerably flexible. Therefore, it is recommended to adopt the model in faculties of higher education teaching quantitative courses.


Screencast, Video-Based Learning (VBL), Quantitative Courses, Higher Education, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Courses, Video Capture, Video Clips, Learning, Screen Casting

How to Cite this Article?

Ghilay, Y. (2018). Video-Based Learning of Quantitative Courses In Higher Education i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 15(2), 16-27.


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