Cloud Consult, Design and Implement Modeling (CCDIM)

Kumar Saurabh*, Rishi Ranjan**
* Chief Solution Architect, Mahindra Satyam, Bangalore, India.
** Assistant Vice President, Mahindra Satyam, Bangalore, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2011


Advances in computing specially in Internet technologies given reasons to adopt virtualization and cloud computing to meet the corporate demand for computing over internet that is growing exponentially over the past decade.  The primary thesis of the paper is intended to provide guidance for Cloud Consult, Design and Implement (CCDI) engagements for complete lifecycle. The CCDI paper provides guidance on two aspects — first is stepwise guidance on how such an engagement should be carried out and second it serves as an indicative channel for engagement practitioners. This research attempts to examine the impact of potential strategies surrounding Cloud Consult, Design and Implement (CCDI) management processes under changing conditions, and provide guidance for managerial decisions. This paper is structured to provide guidance broadly on engagement Approach, transform Application to Cloud computing, and use Cloud Management Services and Migrate Application to Cloud environment. Finally it integrates Cloud Consult, Design and Implement (CCDI) to cloud strategy and cloud Implementation planning. The paper also discusses readiness of IT resources to be included in the Cloud strategy by examining relevant factors for each Cloud Service layer.


Cloud, CCDI, Cloud Strategy, Cloud Implementation Planning.

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar Saurabh and Rishi Ranjan (2011). Cloud Consult, Design And Implement-Modeling (CCDIM). i-manager’s Journal on Management, 5(4), 1-7.


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