Academic Strategies that Facilitate Learning in Millennial Nursing Students

Leslee H. Battle*, Teresa Tyson**
* Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Instruction, Division of Nursing, Winston Salem State University, North Carolina, United States.
** Program Chair, Undergraduate Division of Nursing, Winston-Salem State University, North Carolina, United States.
Periodicity:February - April'2018


Higher education is in the midst of a paradigm shift. No longer is teacher-centered instruction an effective educational strategy. The best practices for education in the 21st century has shifted to student-centered instruction and learning. This student-centered shift is even more prevalent with the emergence of the millennial-aged students' move into higher education. The millennials, also known as generation ‘Y’ers, were born into a world of advanced technology that has resulted in shortened attention span and the desire for instant gratification. Consequently, nurse educators have to rethink best educational practices that will meet the needs of all learners with a particular focus on the millennial student. This paper will discuss motivators for learning, generational differences, successful teaching and learning strategies, and propose best practices that promote success for the millennial learner.


Millenials, Generation 'Y'ers, Transition to Practice, Teaching Strategies, Educational Strategies, Nursing Students, Nursing Education.

How to Cite this Article?

Battle, L.H., and Tyson, T. (2018). Academic Strategies That Facilitate Learning in Millennial Nursing Students. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 8(1), 1-10.


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