Impact of Divorce on Students’ Life

Laila Akber Cassum*
Senior Instructor, Aga Khan University School of Nursing and Midwifery (AKUSONAM), Pakistan
Periodicity:February - April'2018


Tension and anxiety is the common phenomena among the students of modern generation. These students go through stress due to personal, psychosocial, familial, and academic matters. Some of the common ones which substantially impact their lives like family disputes, academic challenges, parental conflicts, financial concerns, social isolation and interpersonal matters, parental separation and divorce, separation from family, and reduced support system. Untiring conflicts between the parents weaken the lifelong marriage contract to the verge of breakdown, where both the life partners determine to go for the option of divorce. This creates traumatic and nerve wracking atmosphere at home and the children are mostly affected by this decision and are torn between the parents. They undergo persistent mental pressure, which can have substantial physical, psychological, psychosocial impact on the student's wellbeing as well as on their academic performance graph.


Parental Relations, Divorce, Student's Life, Psychological Impact, Academic Impact.

How to Cite this Article?

Cassum, L. A. (2018). Impact of Divorce on Students’ Life. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 11(4), 54-58.


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