Performance Analysis of Fair CAC Scheme in Wireless Multimedia Communication Network

V. Saravanan*, M. Vadivel**
* SRR Engineering College, Chennai, India.
** Sathyabama University, Chennai, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2011


Modern wireless network is expected to support multimedia traffic and to provide the very high Quality of service (Qos) in multimedia network, how to ensure the very high Quality of service in multimedia network is the emerging technology. Call Admission Control (CAC) plays an important role in the QoS guarantee of multimedia network. Many CAC schemes aim to satisfying QoS requirement and upgrading network utilization, but they ignore the fairness principle in network. Directly and simple using these CAC schemes, it will appear the phenomenon of unbalance that the narrow band calls block the broad band calls. So, this paper proposes a fair call admission control scheme by introducing call hold control. Numerical results shows that the new scheme not only realizes the balancing accessing machinery to all calls, but also decrease CBP (Call Block Probability) and improves network utilization.


Call Admission Control, Quality of service, Call Block Probability.

How to Cite this Article?

V. Saravanan and M. Vadivel (2011). Performance Analysis of Fair CAC Scheme in Wireless Multimedia Communication Network. i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, 1(3), 22-27.


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