The Levels of Empathy and Social Problem Solving Skills of Physical Education and Sports Teacher Candidates

I. Aktas*, G. Sezen-Balçikanli**
* Research Scholar, Department of Sports Sciences, Gazi University, Turkey.
** Associate Professor, Department of Sports Sciences, Gazi University, Turkey.
Periodicity:February - April'2018


The purpose of the current study is to investigate the empathy and levels of social problem solving skills of physical education and sports teacher candidates. The research group of the study, which was carried out through relational screening model was made up of 148 candidate teachers of physical education (53 female, 95 male) in total studying in the departments of Physical Education and Sport Teaching in 5 universities in Turkey. As a data collection tool, the information form including personal characteristics of the participants, Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), and Social Problem Solving Inventory – Short Form (SPSI-SF) were used. For the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and Pearson Correlation Analysis were employed. The data obtained in the study indicated that there was a significant relationship between the emphatic skills of the physical education candidate teachers and of social problem solving skills. Depending on the variable of gender, the mean scores of the females were higher in the sub dimension of emphatic concern compared to those of males. In addition, males had higher scores in the avoidance style, which was considered the sub-dimension of social problem solving skills compared to females. As for the age factor, while there was no difference in the empathy variable, a significant and positive relationship was found in the social problem solving skills. In addition, it was determined that those doing non-contact sports approached the problem positively, while the ones doing contact sports approached the problem in an avoidance style. As a conclusion, it is likely to say that the empathy skills of the physical education candidate teachers are directly and positively related to their social problem solving skills. In this sense, the empathy education that physical education candidate teachers who are in an active relationship with students must have in order that they could have a solution based approach to the problem they are likely to encounter in this communication is of great importance.


Empathy, Social Problem Solving, Candidate Teacher

How to Cite this Article?

Akta?, ?., & Sezen-Balçikanli, G. (2018). The Levels of Empathy and Social Problem Solving Skills of Physical Education and Sports Teacher Candidates. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 11(4), 8-14.


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