Solar Powered Obstacle Avoiding Lawn Mower

P. S. V. Kishore*, P. Suresh Kumar **, Smruti Dash ***, K. Ramesh ****
*-**** Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vignan's IIT, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2018


The cost of fuel is getting increased and the effect of gases being emitted from the burnt fuel is weakening the ozone layer. Carbon emission has also become a big challenge in today's world. Therefore, by using solar power, we can reduce carbon footprints. Lawn mowers are becoming popular now-a-days. Grass cutting being a tedious work for human beings, can be simplified by using an automatic grass cutter, which can be performed without a physical person being present. While cutting the grass, there are some obstacles, which obstruct the cutting of grass and sometimes the blades of the machine get damaged, so it is necessary to avoid obstacles. For that we have to identify the obstacles first and then we have to change the path of the lawn mower. Supplying power to the lawn mower is a big issue while designing the model. In this paper, the authors have used a solar panel to charge the battery and the power stored in the battery is utilized to power the electric motors, which will rotate the blades to cut the grass.


Solar Power, Lawn Mower, Obstacle Avoiding.

How to Cite this Article?

Kishore, P. S. V., Kumar, P. S., Dash, S., and Ramesh, K. (2018). Solar Powered Obstacle Avoiding Lawn Mower. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 12(2), 1-5.


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