An Embedded System for Comparative Performance Analysis of Monolithic Temperature Sensors

0*, Jose Ignacio Aguaded Gomez**, B. P. Ladgaonkar***, P. V. Mane Deshmukh****
Associate Professor, Shankarrao Mohite College, Solapur, India
Assistant Professor, MIT Arts, Commerce and Science College Alandi, Pune, India.
Head of Post Graduate Department of Electronics, Shankarrao Mohite Solapur, India.
VLSI Design and Research Centre, Post Graduate Department of Electronics, Shankarrao Mohite Mahavidyalaya,Solapur,India
Periodicity:December - February'2018


Indeed, for many industrial applications, precise and reliable monitoring of temperature is significantly important. To ensure this, various temperature sensors such as Thermocouples, Thermistors, Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), Pyrometers, Semiconductor sensors, etc., are readily available. These sensors depict their own salient features. For accurate and reliable temperature monitoring, the monolithic temperature sensors are always recommended. Moreover, it is found that, monolithic temperature sensors demonstrate diversity in sensing mechanism, which results into diversity in the values of the temperature to be monitored. This may result into degradation in reliability of the temperature monitoring system. To explore the details, an embedded system is designed for comparative performance analysis of monolithic temperature sensors, and results of the investigation are presented in this paper.

The multichannel embedded system is developed by deploying the 89S52 microcontroller wherein data acquisition and computing are carried out precisely. Two monolithic temperature sensors; temperature dependent voltage sensor, 0 (LM35: a = 1 mV/ C) and temperature dependent current sensor (AD590 : a = 1 mA/K), have been interfaced. Digital readout (DRO) unit is developed about on a 16X2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) module. The Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Keil uVision4, is utilized for the firmware development in C environment. The present monitoring system is scientifically calibrated to the temperature in degree Celsius. Temperature values shown by both temperature sensors are simultaneously recorded and the results are interpreted in this paper.


Embedded System, Microcontroller, LM35, AD590, ADC0808, Temperature.

How to Cite this Article?

Tilekar. S.K., Chavan. S.V., Ladgaonkar. B.P and Deshmukh. M.P.V. (2018). An Embedded System for Comparative Performance Analysis of Monolithic Temperature Sensors. i-manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering, 8(2), 12-19.


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