Remote Sensing Schemes Mingled with Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) for Flood Disaster Management

Janak Parajuli*, Suman Baral**
* Survey Officer, Survey Department, Government of Nepal.
** GIS-Database Expert, Habitat for Humanity Nepal.
Periodicity:December - February'2018


The paper emphasizes on mingling Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) with Remote Sensing schemes for disaster management not only for the relief and rescue operations, but also for preparedness prior the disaster and recovery beyond the disaster. Remote Sensing and ICTs upon prudent mobilization, can counter the probable loss due to natural disasters.

ICTs can be used to real time tracking of incidents prior to disaster with the aid of sensors and the stakeholders are in unceasing communication with the situation. In case of flood, this can help by providing flood level data continuously to the stakeholders so that they can be alert of the anticipated flood. These data along with the Remote Sensing images before and after disasters are processed by the proficient to extract information, which can be disseminated via graphs and visualized via maps. The concerned authorities like governing agencies and humanitarian organizations henceforth can use these products for rescue and relief operations. Mass media and Short Message Service (SMS) technologies can be efficacious tool both in search and rescue planning along with disaster preparedness and recovery approach. The Remote Sensing images, blended with Global Positioning System (GPS) data collected on the field can be used in numerical quantification and appraisal of losses for ecological recovery tactic and recuperation.

Hence, Remote Sensing coupled with ICTs is one of the modest technologies, which can play substantial role in disaster management and planning aftermath. They can be blended wisely for emergency warning and quick response for diminution of the disastrous effects, if not nullify. Mass media and SMS technologies are other two important factors aiding disaster regulation and management.


Remote Sensing, Web Geographic Information System (GIS), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Disaster, Short Message Service (SMS), Mass Media.

How to Cite this Article?

Parajuli, J., and Baral, S. (2018). Remote Sensing Schemes Mingled with Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) for Flood Disaster Management. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 4(4), 1-9.


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