Minimization of Harmonics, Total Harmonic Distortion and Thermal Analysis of 5-Phase Induction Motor Drive using LC Filter with Delta Model Capacitor

Manjesh*, Muhammad Idrees**
* Associate Professor, Department of Electronic Science, Bangalore University, Bangalore, India.
** Research Scholar, Bangalore University, Bangalore, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2018


This paper aims to study of harmonic, Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and temperature reduction of Five Phase Induction Motor (FPIM). Industries prefer power quality designs with less harmonic standards, less power dissipation, the motors must have a long lifetime for the industrial applications. The super imposition of harmonic distortion affects the system completely by harming the AC output voltage waveform of the PWM inverter drive results in reducing its performance, lifetime of the device, overheating and additional losses will be induced into the system and therefore it is necessary to remove the harmonics at the output of the inverter. Many techniques are used to minimize these harmonics, typical method to mitigate the harmonic distortion is the filter method, LC filter is the most commonly used filter to suppress the harmonics. Experimental investigation of Five Phase Inverter Drive (FPID) with LC filter with delta capacitor model is constructed to study the harmonics and THD, the obtained results are extended to study the temperature of the FPIM and compared with predicted temperature at different locations of FPIM at low speed. It is found that drastic reduction of temperature at various parts of the induction motor are validated by the results.


Adjustable Speed Drives, Five Phase Inverter, Harmonics, LC filter, Total Harmonis Distortion (THD), Thermal Study

How to Cite this Article?

Manjesh and Ananda, A. S. (2018). Minimization Of Harmonics, Total Harmonic Distortion and Thermal Analysis Of 5-Phase Induction MotorDrive Using LC Filter With Delta Model Capacitor. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 11(3), 1-8.


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