Analysis and Comparison of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antennas with Omni-Directional Slotted Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications

0*, Snehdeep Singh**, Dr. Vipul Sharma***
* Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amritsar College of Engineering and Technology, Amritsar, India.
** PG Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amritsar College of Engineering and Technology, Amritsar, India.
*** Associate Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2018


This paper presents a comparison of rectangular microstrip patch antennas with omnidirectional antenna. It has been observed that different types of designing techniques are employed in existing antennas to achieve desired frequency band of operation. In this proposed work slotted patch with partial ground plane is designed to achieve wideband characteristics. Proposed antenna exhibits the bandwidth of 942MHz and 1194MHz at a frequency of 2.45GHz and 7.52GHz with a gain of 3.87dB and 4.67dB respectively. The higher value of bandwidth and gain makes the proposed antenna a good candidate among the existing antennas presented in this paper. Antennas are analyzed and observed using HFSS V13 software and designed on FR4 glass epoxy substrate with dielectric constant of 4.4 and a thickness of 1.6mm.


MPA, V-slots, bandwidth, HFSS, rectangular patch, return loss, omnidirectional, gain.

How to Cite this Article?

Sharma, N., Sandhu, S., and Sharma, V. (2018). Analysis And Comparison Of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antennas With Omni-Directional Slotted Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications. i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 7(2), 42-47.


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