Mechanics in Nano Structured Materials by Nano Fabricarion Process

K. Vijay Kumar*, M. Ashok**, J.V.Satish Kumar Reddy***
*-*** Centre for Nano Technology, K.L.University, Guntur, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2011


The fundamental mechanics relations governing the geometry of nanoclusters are reviewed and illustrations are presented. The Nanofabrication processes namely, ‘top-down i.e., it all begins from a bulk piece of material, which is then gradually or step-by-step removed to form objects in the nanometer-size regime and ‘bottom-up’ i.e., it all begins from atoms and molecules that get rearranged and assembled to larger nanostructures. It is the new paradigm for synthesis in the nanotechnology world as the ‘bottom-up’ approach allows a creation of different types of nano clusters. The Forces and Interactions of Self-Assembly and their relevant bonds affecting the bottom up fabrication have been discussed. Finally classical nucleation theory for clusters formation has been reported.


Nano Clusters, Nano Fabrications, top-down approach, bottom-up approach, Self-Assembly, and Nucleation theory.

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, K. V., Ashok, M., and Reddy, J. V. S. K.(2011). Mechanics in Nano Structured Materials by Nano Fabrication Process. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 6(3), 18-24.


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