CAD based Medical Image Processing: Emphasis to Breast Cancer Detection

G. R. Sinha*
Professor, Myanmar Institute of Information Technology, Mandalay, Myanmar.
Periodicity:October - December'2017


Medical Image Processing exploits the use of signal processing concept when applied to medical images. The medical images may be X-rays, Computed Tomographic (CT) images, or Mammograms. This paper gives an overview of image processing for the application areas of medical science that covers the concepts of Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system used in medical images and diagnosis system for segmentation, detection, and classification of cancer stages by post-processing the medical images. Medical Image Processing has brilliant research scope in understanding physical, mathematical, and engineering avenues of medical image uses in various disease diagnosis methods. This enables to “see” inside the human body to diagnose the disease and monitor treatment; an overview of recent developments in the field of medical imaging along with prominent challenges that radiologists and physicians come across while scanning, interpretation, and diagnosis processes. A practical approach and experimental results in some cases of segmentation with a review of a specific algorithm for medical image processing or analysis, along with the concept of CAD system and its evaluation criteria are discussed.


Breast Cancer, Medical Image Processing, Mammographic Image, Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD), Feature Extraction, Segmentation, Detection

How to Cite this Article?

Sinha, G. R. (2017). Cad Based Medical Image Processing: Emphasis to Breast Cancer Detection. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 12(2), 15-24.


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