th grade year. On the qualitative side, students were evaluated on their Electronic Portfolios (e-Portfolios). Results were triangulated by Concurrent Design. Despite the results of the quantitative research, the collaborative efforts of the students’ e-Portfolios showed that students worked-well collaboratively and the Action Research Framework encompassed well both the t-test and the e-Portfolios. Future research is still needed on the same group of students in other subject areas of the course work.


Using a Mixed Methods Study to Improve K-12 Alternative Education Instructional Design

Gabrielle L. McBath*
Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, Northcentral University, USA.
Periodicity:March - May'2018


The purpose of this Mixed Methods study is to conduct a full quantitative and qualitative research methods on a hypothetical K-12 Alternative Education program, wherein ten students have had poor grades and are at-risk of withdrawing. Within a six-part action plan on the quantitative side, students were tested twice, before and after a two-paired sample t-test in their 9th grade year. On the qualitative side, students were evaluated on their Electronic Portfolios (e-Portfolios). Results were triangulated by Concurrent Design. Despite the results of the quantitative research, the collaborative efforts of the students’ e-Portfolios showed that students worked-well collaboratively and the Action Research Framework encompassed well both the t-test and the e-Portfolios. Future research is still needed on the same group of students in other subject areas of the course work.


K-12 Alternative Educational assessment, Mixed Methods study, e-Portfolios, Action Research Project

How to Cite this Article?

Mcbath, G. L. (2018). Using a Mixed Methods Study to Improve K-12 Alternative Education Instructional Design. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 13(4), 1-9.


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