Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Dividing Frequency Controlfor the Development of Hybrid Active Power Filter

M. S. Sujatha*, T. Susritha**, Vijay Kumar***
*,** Research Scholar, Department of EEE,SVEC, A.Rangampeta, Tirupati.
*** Professor, Department of EEE, JNTUCEA, Ananthpur.
Periodicity:January - March'2011


This paper deals with a hybrid active power filter with injection circuit (IHAPF). It shows great promise in reducing harmonics and improving the power factor with a relatively low capacity active power filter. To minimize the capacity of IHAPF, an adaptive fuzzy dividing frequency-control method is proposed which consists of two control units: a generalized integrator control unit and fuzzy adjustor unit. The generalized integrator is used for dividing frequency integral control, while fuzzy arithmetic is used for adjusting proportional-integral coefficients timely. And the control method is generally useful and applicable to any other active filters. Compared to other IHAPF control methods, the adaptive fuzzy dividing frequency control shows the advantages of shorter response time and higher control precision. The simulation and experimental results shows that the new control method is not only easy to be calculated and implemented, but also very effective in reducing harmonics. In this paper Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy controller is also used to develop the Hybrid Active Power Filter which has the advantages of reduced rule-base and fast response compared to Adaptive Fuzzy dividing frequency control method [1].


Dividing Frequency Control, Fuzzy Adjustor, Generalized Integrator, Hybrid Active Power Filter (HAPF), Neuro-Fuzzy

How to Cite this Article?

M.S. Sujatha, T. Susritha and M. Vijay Kumar (2011). Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Dividing Frequency Control For The Development Of Hybrid Active Power Filter. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 4(3), 43-53.


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