Agriculture is the backbone for the development of any country. Yet still in this technology driven era the majority farmers are using traditional farming approaches which was completely dependent on manpower. By implementing automation in the farming will reduce the manpower requirement and also the need for continuous monitoring. This research proposes an Internet of Things (IOT) based agriculture monitoring framework that uses sensor acquainted raspberry Pi based embedded system that monitors and automates the basic tasks like watering, lighting in greenhouse farming and keeps the farmers updated on any critical issues. It also sends data that is related to water level, temperature, humidity, light etc. to a centralised server as well as the farmers continuously. Mining such data from multiple fields will be beneficial for further analysis in the field of agriculture. This IoT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring (I-SAM) system collects images from fields and uploads to a central server, that automatically detects & classifies pests in the images using machine learning algorithms. This will also help the farmer to share such data with experts to get suggestions that eliminates the inexperienced use of pesticides. This precision farming yields better productivity, and also it will conserves and protects natural resources. Use of IOT in agriculture will bring all the data in the blink of an eye. This system is more potent than the traditional agriculture approach.


IoT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring Framework with Automation

S. Kumar Reddy Mallidi*
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology, India..
Periodicity:January - June'2018


Agriculture is the backbone for the development of any country. Yet still in this technology driven era the majority farmers are using traditional farming approaches which was completely dependent on manpower. By implementing automation in the farming will reduce the manpower requirement and also the need for continuous monitoring. This research proposes an Internet of Things (IOT) based agriculture monitoring framework that uses sensor acquainted raspberry Pi based embedded system that monitors and automates the basic tasks like watering, lighting in greenhouse farming and keeps the farmers updated on any critical issues. It also sends data that is related to water level, temperature, humidity, light etc. to a centralised server as well as the farmers continuously. Mining such data from multiple fields will be beneficial for further analysis in the field of agriculture. This IoT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring (I-SAM) system collects images from fields and uploads to a central server, that automatically detects & classifies pests in the images using machine learning algorithms. This will also help the farmer to share such data with experts to get suggestions that eliminates the inexperienced use of pesticides. This precision farming yields better productivity, and also it will conserves and protects natural resources. Use of IOT in agriculture will bring all the data in the blink of an eye. This system is more potent than the traditional agriculture approach.


Smart Agriculture, IoT, Embedded System, Pest Detection

How to Cite this Article?

Mallidi, S. K. R (2018). IOT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring Framework with Automation. i-manager's Journal on Embedded Systems, 6(2), 22-28.


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