Safety and Alerting System of Vehicles Using a Smart Helmet

Jerlin Jose S. T.*, Rahul**, Sajin S.***
*-*** Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Bethlahem Institute of Engineering, Karungal, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2017


Road safety for driver is an essential requirement of the society. As the number of vehicles increase day by day, accidents of vehicles also Increase simultaneously. Helmet is a best safety equipment for the person who drives a motorcycle. In this paper, the author proposes a Smart-Helmet which can be used as an intelligent system, to check whether the person is wearing the helmet and has a non-alcoholic breath before driving. A transmitter on Smart-Helmet generates a signal on the basis of two mentioned conditions with the help of a FSR sensor and an alcohol sensor and then sends it to the receiver on the bike through the RF transmitter. Now, the receiver decodes the signal and the microcontroller, according to decoded signal, then takes the required decision.


Integrated Developmental Environment, Microcontroller, FSR (Force Sensing Resistor), Signal Processing

How to Cite this Article?

Jose, S. T. J., Rahul, A. S., Sajin, S. (2017). Safety and Alerting System of Vehicles Using a Smart Helmet. i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 6(2), 28-35.


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