Effects and Challenges of Using Instructional and Multimedia Materials in Teaching Islamic Studies in Nigerian Schools: An Analysis

Research Scholar, Department of Religions and Peace Studies, Lagos State University, Nigeria
Periodicity:December - February'2018
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.13.3.13951


Teaching Islamic Studies in Nigerian schools formally and informally is dominantly done in an unstructured traditional ways for centuries and the system has produced resourceful scholars and individuals who have excelled in all works of life. However, without mincing words, the unabated technological products which are witnessed in this digital age has mandated the adoption of various sophisticated devices in disseminating information, especially in teaching and learning for an effective communication; hence, it effects and values to the teaching of Islamic studies cannot be denied while the challenges faced in developing countries such as Nigeria can never be underestimated. With the adoption of analytical approach, this study aims at enunciating the effects and challenges of using instructional and multimedia materials in teaching Islamic studies, roles of Islamic studies teachers and proffer preferable solutions to the conundrum faced in the utilization of instructional and multimedia materials in the teaching of Islamic studies in Nigerian schools.


Challenges, Effects, Islamic Studies, Instructional and Multimedia Materials, Nigerian Schools

How to Cite this Article?

Muhammad, B.J. (2018). Effects and Challenges of Using Instructional and Multimedia Materials in Teaching Islamic Studies in Nigerian Schools: An Analysis. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 13(3), 9-18. https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.13.3.13951


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