Solidarity and Disagreements: Social Dimensions in Cooperative Writing Group

Juland Dayo Salayo*, April Lontoc-Macam**, 0***
* Research Instructor, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines.
** Master Teacher II, Trece Martires Senior High School, Philippines.
*** Associate Professor, Department of English, Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines.
Periodicity:January - March'2018


Using conversational analysis as a methodological framework, this paper aims to analyze the sequential pattern of the turns in cooperative writing group interactions which unfolds solidarity building and disagreement episodes. Recorded verbal and non-verbal interactions of a group, comprised of ten members, were carefully transcribed to closely examine overlapping, latching, cut-off and other pragmatic cues of the turn taking. Results show that solidarity building is displayed using collaborative construction turn strategy and laughter strategies. Disagreement as a preferred act is an effective speech strategy that does not only use in pursuit of knowledge, but could also establish group cohesiveness. Data also opens implications for English Language Teaching (ELT) specifically in promoting pragmatic competence among Engliah as a Second Language (ESL) learners.


Solidarity, Disagreement, Collaborative Construction Turn, Laughter.

How to Cite this Article?

Salayo, J. D., Macam, A. L., and Lintao, R. R. (2018). Solidarity and Disagreements: Social Dimensions in Cooperative Writing Group. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 8(1), 30-43.


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