A Review of K-Medoid Algorithm Based Level Lake Detection

Priyanka Dey*, Sanjivani Shantaya**
* M.Tech Scholar, Department of Software Engineering, RITEE, Raipur, India.
** Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RITEE, Raipur, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2017
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.12.1.13920


Lake is a main source of water in various places, but due to the fluctuation in the level of water, it often becomes very dangerous for the people living near the lake sides. To avoid this situation, the government does a survey of the water level in the lake and on that basis, a Meteorological Database is prepared by them. This data specifies the status of the lake whether it is an endangered or normal lake. In this paper using the Meteorological Database, the authors analyze and detect the level of the water in lakes with K-medoid Algorithm and generate a warning for the people in the surrounding areas so that they can easily understand and be cautious the water level and can vacate then habitats immediately.


Lake Level, Endangered Lake, K-medoid Algorithm, Meteorological Database.

How to Cite this Article?

Dey, P., and Shantaya, S. (2017). A Review of K-Medoid Algorithm Based Level Lake Detection. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 12(1), 26-28. https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.12.1.13920


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