This study highlights the quality of primary education. Quality in Education, especially at Primary level is an important issue to be discussed at the International Forum. Community Model Primary Schools were established under GPEP Phase I, Phase II, with cooperation of Asian Development Bank. The study compares the quality of Community Model Primary Schools and Govt. Girls Primary Schools. This paper focuses on the study of the effect of facilities, qualifications of Headmistresses, drop out rate, results, and co-curricular activities on quality performance of both types of schools. Case study of six Govt. Girls Community Model Primary Schools and Govt. Girls Primary Schools were conducted for in-depth study of the school performance. The views of the heads of institutions, teachers, students, parents and administrators were collected through semi-structured interview schedules. The researcher personally visited the schools one by one to hold interviews.  All the interviews were video-recorded.  Data collected was then analyzed.  It was found that community Model Primary Schools were performing better as compared to Government Girls Primary Schools in respect of school results, educational environmental co-curricular activities organized in the schools and over all quality education. Finally, the Community Model Primary Schools were found to be better in quality education.


Case Study on Quality Education

Zahida habib*
Principal in Education, Samanabad,Lahore.
Periodicity:January - March'2011


This study highlights the quality of primary education. Quality in Education, especially at Primary level is an important issue to be discussed at the International Forum. Community Model Primary Schools were established under GPEP Phase I, Phase II, with cooperation of Asian Development Bank. The study compares the quality of Community Model Primary Schools and Govt. Girls Primary Schools. This paper focuses on the study of the effect of facilities, qualifications of Headmistresses, drop out rate, results, and co-curricular activities on quality performance of both types of schools. Case study of six Govt. Girls Community Model Primary Schools and Govt. Girls Primary Schools were conducted for in-depth study of the school performance. The views of the heads of institutions, teachers, students, parents and administrators were collected through semi-structured interview schedules. The researcher personally visited the schools one by one to hold interviews.  All the interviews were video-recorded.  Data collected was then analyzed.  It was found that community Model Primary Schools were performing better as compared to Government Girls Primary Schools in respect of school results, educational environmental co-curricular activities organized in the schools and over all quality education. Finally, the Community Model Primary Schools were found to be better in quality education.


How to Cite this Article?

Zahida Habib (2011). Case Study On Quality Education. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 7(4), 35-42.


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