A Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy Based Load Balancing Algorithms

Neeraj Kumar Rathore*, Pramod Kumar Singh**
*-** Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology, Guna, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2017
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jcom.5.2.13907


A distributed system is a network of physically separated computing resources that are connected by some means of communication medium. It is a communication intensive system, where each system sends and receives some messages to keep itself updated with the current system status. It provides various advantages such as good resource sharing, reliability, extensibility and good performance. In distributed system, there is a chance that some processors of the system are overloaded; at the same time some processors are idle or underloaded, and hence the performance of the system is degraded. The Load Balancing Algorithm aims (LBA) to have all processing elements to equal workloads over the long term. The performance of a distributed system heavily depends on the performance of Load Balancing Algorithm employed to it. Load Balancing Algorithms work on different matrices such as rate of resource utilization, communication overhead, reliability, scalability, stability, and fault tolerance. LBA helps in optimal utilization of resources in distributed system.


Distributed Network/System, Load Balancing, Static Load Balancing, Dynamic Load Balancing

How to Cite this Article?

Rathore, N., and Singh, P.K. (2017). A Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy Based Load Balancing Algorithms. i-manager’s Journal on Computer Science, 5(2), 23-33. https://doi.org/10.26634/jcom.5.2.13907


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