Implementation of an Indoor Navigation Robot for Visually Impaired and New Visitors

Gopalakrishna Murthy C. R.*, Rahul Patil**, Swaroop Dixit S***, Ujwal L.****, Hemanth. M. V.*****
* Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KSSEM, Bengaluru, India.
**-***** UG Students, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KSSEM, Bengaluru, India.
Periodicity:July - December'2017


Most of the time people face problems, while navigating to a desired location of their choice in an unknown area. In order to help the people (pedestrians) from such a dilemma situation, an effective user friendly method was proposed by designing the technology in such a way that a developed system can help/ guide the visitors with the proper instructions either by playing audio route information or route map display (Azuma, 1997). The system is developed to behave as an intelligent Robot. This system could be used mainly in shopping malls, colleges, hospitals, museums, and industries for a simple and easy approaching method for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). The Indoor Navigation Robot (INR) is developed by considering the college point of view, where a new visitor can find respective departments, canteen, library, etc. The Robot recognizes the input voice command with the help of Voice Module. The guidance for visitors will be done in two methods. The first method uses audio player which consists of Voice Recognition Module and Audio Player Recorder; both utilize the predefined voice data for their operation. The second method uses route map display, which is achieved by interfacing the Robot to MATLAB software tool on computer with the help of wireless technology (ZigBee module). The Indoor Navigation Robot has an advanced feature for security, which captures the new visitors' face and stores the captured images into database for further process. The Image will be stored in hard disc of system/Laptop. The stored image can be retrieved as and when required. The Robot has a flexible feature for displaying flash news, alert messages, and greeting messages on LCD screen through ZigBee module (10 m). This flexible feature of Robot allows the administrator to update the new information as and when required on LCD screen. The Robot takes in voice commands from the visitors and navigates by giving voice commands as well as by displaying the route map on the laptop screen, and moves with the visitor to the desired destination. This research work is useful for people who are unable to understand new location and bounded surroundings.


Indoor Navigation, Voice Module, ZigBee, Predefined Maps, Route Display.

How to Cite this Article?

Murthy, G, C. R., Patil, R., Dixit, S, S., Ujwal, L., and Hemanth, M. V. (2017). Implementation of an Indoor Navigation Robot for Visually Impaired and New Visitors. i-manager's Journal on Embedded Systems, 6(1), 6-9.


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