Understanding the Perception of Millennial Generation towards Online Shopping -A Study with Reference to Chennai

K. Soundarapandiyan*, M. Ganesh**
* Professor, Sri Sairam Institute of Management Studies, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, India.
** Professor & Director, Holy Angels School of Business, Siruvachur, Perambalur, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2018
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.12.3.13882


Online shopping is a fast growing concept nowadays globally, and it is seen that number of online shops have been increasing and it is obvious that there has been an upward trend of consumers who opt online purchases rather than conventional shopping. A consumer group, which is designated as Millennials (Generation Y) has a huge market in online market, which alone will contribute in the success of online retailers in the future. As we see internet is widely used by people of this generation and in fact, they are more technologically savvy and people feel much comfortable in using this internet for a variety of purposes including online shopping. For more than two decades, this millennial consumers segment constitutes a major marketing segment in the global market place. This trend is attributed to the fact that the individuals in the age group are in great numbers and they have supreme purchasing power which in fact, surpasses any other group of consumers. For this study, a sample size of 132 was taken through probability sampling techniques.


Online - Shopping, Millennial, Generation, Regression, E-Commerce.

How to Cite this Article?

Soundarapandiyan,K., and Ganesh, M. (2018). Understanding the Perception of Millennial Generation towards Online Shopping -A Study With Reference to Chennai. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 12(3), 31-40. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.12.3.13882


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