Emotional Intelligence of Self Regulated Learners

Ami Rathore*
Assistant Professor, Lokmanya Tilak Teachers Training College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India..
Periodicity:November - January'2018
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.11.3.13877


The study was conducted on self regulated learners of senior secondary school. The main objectives of the study were to find out significant dimensions of emotional intelligence held by self regulated learners. To compare the emotional intelligence dimensions of self regulated learners, in terms of subject and gender. To find out the relationship between the self regulated learning and emotional intelligence of self regulated learners. To achieve these objectives 480 of senior secondary classes were selected purposively as a sample. Checklist of self regulated learning was constructed and administered on them, like this the self regulated learners were identified and selected for further study. The study was conducted on identified 360 self- regulated learners. Descriptive and comparative study methods were used. Data were analyzed with the help of mean percentage score and t-test. The analysis revealed that self regulated learners held all the dimensions of Emotional Intelligence in which self actualization, problem solving, happiness, optimism, and empathy are dominant, but 'self actualization' is the most significant dimension held by self regulated learners as they are very enthusiastic, like to do work with responsibility and feel self satisfaction after doing a quality work. The results show that there is a significant difference between boys and girls in respect to 'self actualization'. It reveals that girls are more self actualized than boys as girls are more enthusiastic, do work with more responsibility, and feel satisfaction after doing quality work. Results reveal that there is a positive correlation between self regulated learning and emotional intelligence of self regulated learners.


Emotional Intelligence, Self-regulated Learners, Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence

How to Cite this Article?

Rathore, A. (2018). Emotional Intelligence of Self Regulated Learners. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 11(3), 36-42. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.11.3.13877


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