The present study is conducted to understand the relative contributions of planned behavior and social capital on educational continuation decisions of VIII standard students belonging to backward class in India. Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Other Backward Classes (OBC) are the three social groups dealt as backward classes in this study. A socioeconomic and educational status schedule was used to collect the data on the social background of students. The social background factors considered in this study are community, father's education and occupation, and Mother's education and occupation. The planned behaviour of the students were assessed using a scale. Social capital scale was used to assess the social capital possessed by the students. The educational continuation decisions, the dependent variable is assessed with a question of whether they will continue to higher secondary level of education. The answer had to be binary, either yes or no. Data were collected from 498 backward class students of VIII students studying in government schools of Puducherry in India. The results showed that the planned behavior of students predicted their educational continuation decisions. Social capital (family, network, and school) was not a predictor. It is a good sign that social capital factors do not seem influencing the educational continuation decisions of students. Helping students to possess social capital is a complex process and there are limitations for teachers and policymakers to focus on these aspects. Specific recommendations are spelt based on the results of the study. Interestingly since social capital and other social background variables are not found the determinants of decisions, it would be wiser to focus on the planned behaviour components. It would be practical and easier to train the students in possessing better and favourable attitudes towards continuing their education