Position feedback requires precise and repeatable indication of rotor position for any closed loop control system. In case of Robotics, motion control devices and multiple pole motors require high sensitivity of the rotator position without any time lapse. Modern motion control methods provide an accurate, fast rate, and low costposition feedback with greater flexibility than older sensing methods. The Resolver technology has been used in an industrial environment for many years in angular position transducers applications. Resolvers are highly robust in nature of operation, and can work even in places, where other electronics based encoders, potentiometers fail. A Brushless resolver is basically rotating transformers integrated with built in two phase machine as rugged as the motor and withstands for High speeds with optimum resolutions. Recent progression in the high resolution R/D converter (RDC) chip technology provides an accurate feedback with reliability and Higher resolution. In this paper, a brushless resolver performance was presented with latest AD2S1210 RDC and 16 bit output interface to dSPIC30F Microcontroller. Also a mathematical model for Resolver and RDC are developed to establish the theoretical performance of the setup.