The Load Frequency Control Techniques in Interconnected Power Systems critical survey

Mohsmed M. Elsaied*, Mahmoud Abdallah Attia**, ***, Said F. Mekhamer****
* Teacher Assistant, Department of Electrical Power & Machines, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
**,**** Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Power & Machines, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
*** Professor, Department of Electrical Power & Machines, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
Periodicity:August - October'2017


Large power systems usually comprise more than one area connected together. Load frequency control becomes an important issue, especially with increasing size and complexity of Interconnected Power System (IPS). This paper is a review paper which contains different control schemes and different optimization techniques applied on different controllers to get the desired response of the system frequency and the power in the tie lines connecting the areas. The comparison is done from the point of view of the maximum shooting, settling time, and the system damping. The system under study is a multi-area system (2 areas, 3 areas, etc.). Controller types and optimization techniques will be reviewed latter in each reference.


Interconnected Power Systems, Load Frequency Control, Multi Area system.

How to Cite this Article?

Elsaied, M.M., Attia, M.A., Mostafa, M.A., and Mekhamer, S.F. (2017). The Load Frequency Control Techniques in Interconnected Power Systems critical survey. i-manager’s Journal on Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 5(4), 41-54.


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