Exploring Wellness and Quality of Life Among the Elderly as Basis for a Nursing Care Plan and Psychosocial Intervention

Sonia Janice Pilao*, Angelina Villanueva**, Gemma Rose Gornez***, Jean Marie Villanueva****, 0*****
* Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Centro Escolar University, Manila Campus, Philippines.
** Programme Head, Department of Psychology, Centro Escolar University, Makati, Philippines.
*** Community Outreach Head, Centro Escolar University, Makati, Philippines.
**** Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Centro Escolar University, Makati Campus, Philippines.
***** Founder, Psychreg, London, United Kingdom.
Periodicity:August - October'2017
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jnur.7.3.13787


By identifying the levels of agony of 35 elderly people in a local community, the present study unpacked a range of physical, emotional, and cognitive experience of the elderly. Findings demonstrated how health deterioration, isolation, and mental agony are intimately intertwined with the ageing process. Social isolation, specifically the feeling of being alone needs to be addressed since it is linked with all other emotional agony, such as irritation, feeling of unworthiness, and being unhappy. Moreover, frequent worrying and overthinking can contribute to the elderly being unhappy. Almost all of the respondents were at an early stage of solitary life due to death of their partners. Some elderly were separated from their immediate family and are unemployed. Findings from this study is beneficial for social workers, policymakers and involved personnel and agencies in elderly care for it provides a better understanding about the elderly, their family structure, relationships, problem-solving approaches and acceptance to changes and adjustment. The present work aims to develop a guide for potential nursing intervention for the elderly.


Elderly, Emotional Agony, Health Promotion, Nursing Intervention, Social Isolation, Wellness.

How to Cite this Article?

Pilao,S.J., Villanueva,A., Gornez,G.R., Villanueva,J.M., Relojo,D. (2017). Exploring Wellness and Quality of Life among the Elderly as Basis for a Nursing Care Plan and Psychosocial Intervention. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 7(3), 8-15. https://doi.org/10.26634/jnur.7.3.13787


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