Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Eleventh Standard Students

J. Johnsi Priya*
Assistant Professor, Meston College of Education (Autonomous), Chennai, TamilNadu, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2017


There is a general assertion among mathematics instructors that learners need to acquire problem solving expertise, figure out how to communicate using mathematics knowledge and aptitude, create numerical reasoning and thinking, to see the interconnectedness amongst mathematics and other subjects. Based on this perspective, the present study aims to examine the mathematical problem solving ability of eleventh standard students. A sample of 810 Eleventh standard students (406 boys and 404 girls) was selected from different schools of Chennai district, using the stratified random sampling technique. Survey method of research has been adapted. The Mathematical Problem Solving Ability test constructed by the investigator was used to collect data from the eleventh standard students. Mean, standard deviation,'t' test, and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data with the help of SPSS (Version 20.0). The analysed data were tabulated and tested with hypothesis. Finding shows that the mathematical problem solving ability of girl students is significantly higher than boys. There is no significant difference among government, government aided, and self-financing higher secondary school students in their Mathematical Problem Solving Ability. It is also observed that the students from high socio-economic status found to be higher than their counterparts in their mathematical problem solving ability.


Mathematical Problem Solving Ability, Eleventh Standard Students, Gender, Type of School, Socio-Economic Status.

How to Cite this Article?

Priya, J. J. (2017). Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Eleventh Standard Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 11(2), 36-44.


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