Teacher Empowerment And Institutional Effectiveness In Teacher Education

Avdhesh S. Jha*
Head, JG College of Education (PG), Ahmedabad.
Periodicity:December - February'2011
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.6.3.1378


Teacher Empowerment means to equip a teacher for conceptual and practical teaching which focuses on the relevant syllabus topics. It means the power of the teacher to exercise his judgement of what, why, how, when and why to teach. It also insists on developing a harmonious relationship with the environment along with the right of the teacher to participate in the determination of educational goals and policies and the achievement of educational school goals. In the present study teacher empowerment means the teachers ability and potential to achieve the school goals and the educational goals. The present study is restricted to the B.Ed. trainee teachers of Ahmedabad district. The objectives of the study comprised to know the necessary general qualities, personal qualities, teaching qualities, student teacher relationship, behaviour, attitude and miscellaneous qualities required by a teacher in the classroom and amongst the students for teacher empowerment. 100 trainee teachers from ten different colleges were selected by purposive sampling from Ahmedabad district. A questionnaire was prepared and the survey method was used in the study. The raw data was then grouped and then the frequency and the percentage of the frequency of the responses by the respondents for the said factor necessary for the teacher was applied to do the analysis and interpretation of the data. The study concluded that the necessary qualities required for teacher empowerment is the minimum necessary qualifications required for a teacher, general awareness, good and clear voice, simplicity, nobility, kindness, gentleness, generosity, activeness, honesty, humbleness, politeness, mildness, softness, intelligence, creativity, knowledge of psychology, philosophy, technology, management, different methods, techniques, approach, content, various languages, presentation style, sense of humour, decency and humbleness. The other qualities required by a teacher are responsibility, course completion on time, duty oriented, unbiased, ideal and intimate in addition to bearing sympathy, mercy, spontaneity and good understanding. The teacher should avoid punishing, frowning, hatred, abusive words, chewing tobacco. He should not be fearful, angry, rude and revengeful but bear oneness, equality, love and affection for students and try to be friendly.


How to Cite this Article?

Jha,A.S.(2011). Teacher Empowerment And Institutional Effectiveness In Teacher Education.i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology, 6(3),49-56. https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.6.3.1378


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