Performance Analysis of MIMO-STBC with Orthogonal Uncorrelated Channel

Hemlata Sinha*, M. R. Meshram**, G. R. Sinha***
* PhD Scholar, Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India.
** Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Government Engineering College, Chhattisgarh, India.
*** Adjunct Professor, IIIT Bangalore (deputed to MIIT Mandalay).
Periodicity:April - June'2017


In this paper, the authors have proposed a method to maintain the orthogonal property between the communication channels. This design is implemented with arbitrary number of transmit and receive antenna system with Space Time Block Coding (STBC) technique which provided space diversity. Due to space diversity and un-correlated channels, i.e. the interference in the channel between transmitter and receiver never occurs. Such systems are utilized to improve the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of wireless communication systems and counter the destructive effects of channel attenuation and alternative distortion phenomena thus improve the performance of the wireless system which is evaluated through simulation.



How to Cite this Article?

Sinha, H., Meshram, M. R., and Sinha, G. R. (2017). Performance Analysis of MIMO-STBC with Orthogonal Uncorrelated Channel. i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 6(1), 22-30.


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