An Analysis of TPACK Integration into English Language Teacher Education Programs: A Comparative Study of Turkey and Denmark

Yildiz Turgut*
*Assistant Professor, Department of English Language Teaching, Adnan Menderes University, Turkey.
Periodicity:October - December'2017


Technology has always been a part of teaching process and being able to teach with technology requires an understanding of how technology, pedagogy, and content interact to support student learning. Recently, studies on developing TPACK skills of teachers have been emerged; however, studies on TPACK in pre-service education on a specific domain, more specifically English Language Teaching, are limited and none of the existing studies have attempted to compare pre-service teachers' TPACK in different countries or contexts. Therefore, this study compares pre-service English language teachers' TPACK in two countries, Turkey and Denmark, at two Teacher Education Institutions' (TEI) contexts. Through a mixed-method design, results of the study indicated the differences not only in definition of technology, but also in technology applications and teaching processes. Based on these findings, suggestions for teacher education and future research were made.


Comparative Education, Educational Discourse, TPACK, Teacher Education, ELT, Phenomenology

How to Cite this Article?

Turgut, Y. (2017). An Analysis of TPACK Integration into English Language Teacher Education Programs: A Comparative Study of Turkey and Denmark. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 7(4), 1-15.


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