Human Resource Practices and Commitment of Employees in India's Textile Industry on Context of Management Levels

Shruti*, N.S. Bhalla**, T.S. Sidhu***, Rajpreet Kaur****, Sanjeev Sharma*****
*,***** Research Scholar, Department of Management, I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, Punjab, India.
** Director, Department of Management, Global Institute of Management, Amritsar, India.
*** Director, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Technical Campus, Ferozpur, Punjab, India.
**** Assistant Professor, Department of Management, I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, Punjab, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2017


The present study deals with the liberalized and globalised Indian economy, which results into a competitive environment. In the ever changing environment with a highly competitive market economy, the human resources provide an edge to an organization. This paper studies organizational commitment of managerial employees working in Indian textile industry. For the purpose of the research, 227 participants were randomly selected. Organizational commitment was measured by Likert scale. Results revealed that all levels of employees perceive Human Resource (HR) practices and Organizational commitment at the same level. Results show that organizational commitment of employees is affected by four HR practices, training development, compensation, reward and recognition, and welfare activities. The results showed that for the development of any strategy it is necessary to find out its impact on the organizational commitment of the employees.


HR Practices, Organizational Commitment, Textile Industry, Level of Management, Training and Development

How to Cite this Article?

Shruti., Bhalla, N. S., Sidhu, T. S., Kaur, R., and Sanjeev. (2017). Human Resource Practices and Commitment of Employees in India's Textile Industry on Context of Management Levels. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 12(2), 45-60.


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