Strategies for Leading a Multi-Generational Organization

Grace Miranda*, Pamela Allen**
* CEO, Maximizing Leadership Solutions, LLC Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area, USA.
** Associate Professor, University of Phoenix, and CEO, Another Level, LLC, Corona, California Area, USA.
Periodicity:September - November'2017


The purpose of this research was to generate innovative strategies that would assist in leading four generations who are currently part of the workforce in the United States. This study builds on the previous research of Marie Legault (2002). Examination of Legault's recommendations for future research included a potential shift in leadership styles, enhancement of competency skills, and how to manage difficulties encountered by persons in leadership roles when significant challenges were ignored. Using a qualitative exploratory approach, and the lived experiences of participants, in two focus groups, this study explored the styles of leadership and competencies that would strengthen the capacity of diverse leaders to lead multigenerational organizations that encounter unique challenges. Significant results from this study support modification of leadership methods and consistent practice of relational soft skills that are critical in the ability to lead multiple generations in modern work environments. Recommendations from this study identify leadership styles and competencies that would enhance the abilities of diverse leaders to demonstrate leadership that is relevant for the multiple generational workforce of the new millennium.


Challenges, Multigeneration, Multiple Generations, Leadership Styles, Competency Skills, Soft Skills, Strategies

How to Cite this Article?

Miranda, G., and Allen, P. (2017). Strategies for Leading a Multi-Generational Organization. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 12(2), 14-25.


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