Students' Evaluation on Teachers' Performance

Misbah Zafar*, Lubna Ghazal**, Yasmin Nadeem Parpio***, Munira Amirali****
* Director Academic Nursing, Saida Waheed FMH College of Nursing, Pakistan.
** Assistant Professor, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan.
*** Associate Professor, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
**** Assistant Professor, Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development, Pakistan
Periodicity:July - September'2017


The study provides an insight into teachers' perceptions regarding students' evaluation about their performance in their respective courses and on supervised clinical practice. A Qualitative, descriptive exploratory design was used to answer the research question: What are faculty's perceptions regarding students' evaluation of their performance and teaching courses? A convenience sample of 12 Nursing faculty-7 from University A and 5 from University B was selected. Data were collected through faculty interview till data saturation was achieved. Data was analyzed and then categorized to evaluate the comparisons and variations. The findings of the study revealed three main categories and six related sub categories. The study emerged as 'faculty perception related to student evaluation' and the related three categories were: (i) factors influencing on faculty performance, (ii) contextual factors, (iii) and faculty's alternate practices. The study focused on the perception of nursing faculty in relation to their performance and course evaluations. The findings of the study revealed that participants acknowledge students' evaluation, and tried to modify their teaching strategies as per their suggestions for their personal and professional development. The participants also expressed concerns about the timeliness of the received evaluation; i.e. its giving (by students) and receiving (by faculty members) on time. The faculty perception of student evaluation on their performance and courses was not homogenous due to diverse factors; these were: motivation, demotivation, contextual factors, and alternate practices used by members of faculty to get student evaluation.


Students, Faculty, Student Evaluations, Faculty Opinions

How to Cite this Article?

Zafar, M., Ghazal, L ., Parpio, Y.N., Amirali, M. (2017). Students' Evaluation on Teachers' Performance. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 14(2), 34-48.


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