A Comparative Study on Mobile Device by Age

Gisli Thorsteinsson*, Tom Page**
* Professor, Department of Design and Craft Education, Iceland University of Education, Iceland.
** Senior Lecturer, Loughborough Design School, United Kingdom.
Periodicity:January - June'2017
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jmt.4.1.13703


The research study question concerns whether or not mobile phones satisfy for the needs of every generation. To collect adequate data, the investigators joined an extensive review of relevant literature with primary research. This involved a user questionnaire, distributed to 60 participants spilt equally amongst young and old consumers, as well as an interview conducted with two further mobile phone users. Together this information led to a clear and unbiased discussion of participant insights and opinions and conclusions were drawn. The results of the questionnaire showed similarities and differences between the young and old consumer groups in terms of their views on mobile phone style, functionality and the features provided. The main points raised were that both groups require efficient functionality with regards to basic mobile phone activities, such as making phone calls and sending text messages, but that the difference lies in how much the two sets of consumers viewed social media access as an important feature. Whilst older users showed little concern for socially orientated applications, the young consumer group showed a dependence upon it to aid their daily lifestyle. The study concluded that whilst basic functionality is a standard requirement for any user, the exponential growth of technology and increasing demand for social communication has caused a divide between young and old consumers. A market now dominated by the young generation, older users' needs and requirements are shown to be overshadowed in current mobile phone design.


Mobile Phones, Technology, Generations, Technology, Design, Consumers

How to Cite this Article?

Thorsteinsson, G., and Page, T. (2017). A Comparative Study on Mobile Device by Age. i-manager’s Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies, 4(1), 6-18. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmt.4.1.13703


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