Authoritarian Parenting… Ouch It Hurts Mental Health!!

Afsheen Amir Ali Hirani*
Registered Nurse, Aga Khan University School of Nursing and Midwifery, Karachi, Pakistan.
Periodicity:May - July'2017


Various concerns in nursing practices have been answered by implementing different nursing care models and theories. The theory of Nursing and Environment given by Florence nightingale is based on philosophical assumptions. The theory states that nurses modify the environment to keep the patient healthy. This paper analyzed a pediatric case scenario in the light of Florence Nightingale's Environmental theory. Nightingale explained 13 environmental canons, which are reflected in the case study. The paper further proposed recommendations that can be used to test relevant nursing intervention on the ground of Nightingale's theory, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and similar scenarios. In conclusion of this paper Nightingale's nursing theory was proved to be applicable in guiding nursing care of pediatric clients with multiple infections.


Authoritarian Parenting, Authoritative Parenting, Directive Approach, Insecure Attachment, Demandingness, Responsiveness

How to Cite this Article?

Hirani,A.A.A. (2017). Authoritarian Parenting… Ouch It Hurts Mental Health!!. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 7(2), 1-5.


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