Advanced Design Applications of Polymers Developed for Additive Manufacturing

Tom Page*
*Senior Lecturer, Loughborough Design School, United Kingdom.
Periodicity:July - September'2017


Imitating nature has inspired the development of self-healing polymers. This research examines how self-healing polymers can aid the design manufacture world by replacing the need for external joining methods, such as mechanical fixings, welding, or adhesives. The self-healing mechanism will be considered for being used as a joining mechanism of multiple parts in an assembly. The research will argue how imitating intrinsic healing in nature inspires the use of poly (urea urethane), which will produce a more innovative method of building prototypes. The significance of being able to build assembly models without fixings and joints would provide better use of materials and less distribution costs. Journals and published papers on the newly developing polymer materials, their biomimetic inspiration and possible suitable additive manufacturing methods shall be examined. The research will discuss the possibility of the further sustainable and economic development. Additional interviews with leaders, in the field of developing materials and additive manufacturing methods, will provide further insight to the proposal. The self-healing polymer will be assessed on which additive manufacturing method would prove to be suitable for the possibilities of printing. The research will gather available information of the developing material to assess the possibilities and show a full understanding of the proposed concept.


Self-Healing Polymers, Additive Manufacturing, Laser Sintering, Fused Deposition Modelling, Poly (urea urethane)

How to Cite this Article?

Page, T. (2017). Advanced Design Applications of Polymers Developed for Additive Manufacturing. i-manager’s Journal on Material Science, 5(2), 1-18.


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