How Does Mind Processes Information and Represents Knowledge: An EmpiricalStudy

Ananta Kumar Jena*, Bhujendranath Panda**
* Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Assam University, Silchar, India.
** Professor & Head, Department of Education, Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Bhubaneswar, India
Periodicity:May - July'2017


The study aimed to know how does mind-map software assess the representation of learners' knowledge and how brain tester software assess the performance of left, right, auditory, and visual lobes of the brain to represent information. It also aimed to study the differential effectiveness of audio, visual, and audio-visual information to represent knowledge. Mind map tool used to know the students' knowledge representation in science, and for that purpose, different audio, visual, and audio-visual tools used to know how learners process cognitive information; those were experienced in the study. There was no hypothesis to draw inferences but three working hypotheses or the research questions framed to find out the result. Every individual has an independent information processor in left, right, auditory, and visual lobe of brain to represent information. It was also resulted that audio-visual information was more effective to process and represent knowledge than audio and visual information.


Mind Processes Information, Representation of Knowledge, Software

How to Cite this Article?

Jena, A.K., and Panda,B. (2017). How Does Mind Processes Information and Represents Knowledge: An Empirical Study. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 11(1), 40-52.


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