Sleep in the Fibromyalgia Patient

*Director of Undergraduate Nursing, Nebraska Methodist College.
Periodicity:February - April'2011


It is estimated that fibromyalgia, a chronic condition in which pain occurs in 98% of the patients, can be found in 3-to 6- million American adults with females as the majority of those suffering. The aim of this study was to describe the relationship between sleep-wake disturbance (i.e. daily and mean number of awakenings each night, daily and mean percentage of sleep each night) and the daily and mean morning/evening intensity of chronic pain in a subset of women with fibromyalgia, based on daily actigraph recordings over seventy-two hours. Actigraph testing was completed on a convenience sample of 85 female participants, as part of a larger research study of 107 fibromyalgia patients. Results indicated significant associations between the evening intensity of pain, measured by a visual analog scale, and the night awakenings. The progressive association between the number of awakenings and pain should prompt further attention given to the sleep-wake disturbance in the fibromyalgia patient in the form of improved interventions directed to effective sleep.


How to Cite this Article?

Hughes, L.C. (2011). Sleep in the Fibromyalgia Patient. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 1(1), 17-23.


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