Trends/issues faced by Health Care Professionals while Discussing Sexual Issues with patients

Nasreen Lalani*, Erum Jewani**, Saira Momin***, Anila Naveed****
* Senior Instructor, Aga Khan University
**,***,**** Aga Khan University.
Periodicity:February - April'2011


Objective: The objective of the Literature Review Research is to investigate doctors and nurses’ perceptions on their roles and practices in meeting patients’ sexual health promotion needs. To identify the barriers of talking sexual health issues with patientsMethodology: A systematic search of the literature was performed for the period of January 1999 to 2009. A total 20 research articles were reviewed.Results: The literature review indicates that taking a sexual history is the first step towards appropriate diagnosis and therapeutic intervention for most patients, and is a fundamental part of holistic care. However, generally it is found from literatures that health care team members and patients feel hesitation in talking about sexual problems and concerns originated because of certain disease processes. The barriers identified included lack of time, lack of knowledge, personal attitudes about sexuality, and patient’s lack of readiness. Another barrier is the discomfort health care providers and patients may feel about discussing sexuality. Conclusion/recommendation: To accomplish the said objectives, the studies described attitudes and beliefs that might act as barriers to incorporating patient sexuality assessment and counseling into nursing / medical practice. The studies show that talking about sex-related topics is still repressed in patient—doctor encounters. It is an urgent matter to increase doctors/nurses awareness and clinical skills to deal with patients' sexual issues.


Sexual, Barrier, Health Care Provider, Issues

How to Cite this Article?

Alwani, N., Jewani, E., Momin, S., and Naveed, A. (2011). Trends/issues faced by Health Care Professionals while Discussing Sexual Issues with patients. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 1(1), 11-16.


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