Smart Supervising System for Industrial Beverage Plant Using an Advanced Food Handling Method

C. Naveen Kumar*, Sabarinathan E.**, E. Manoj***
* Postgraduate, K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, India .
** Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, C.M.S. Group of Institutions, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India.
*** UG Scholar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
Periodicity:January - June'2017


An industrial beverage processing plant generally consisting of nonlinear dynamics which requires temperature, colour, pressure, and PH level controllers to be nonlinear. So the automation requires systematic process for getting accuracy and efficient output. Even though the control of nonlinear parameters is automated, it requires skilled professionals in case of emergency conditions, when the hardware fails. The aim of this paper is to provide an Advanced Food Handling Method (AFHM) which combines Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) to design real-time and embedded automation systems. The proposed technique contains a notification mechanism, and facilities alternate to hardware support system. Proper management of quality is especially important in the beverage plant because the drinks which are easily perishable, are in great demand and relies on a quick response and on a fast supply chain. The notification mechanism can ensures the quality of the beverage by informing staff when variations occur. With the introduction of AFHM, the food Industry can utilize inventory information and manage the food handling process more effectively.


Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD), Automation Systems, Code Generation, Embedded Systems, Model Driven Engineering (MDE), Unified Modeling Language (UML), Sensors

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar,N.C., Sabarinathan.E., Manoj.E. (2017). Smart Supervising System for Industrial Beverage Plant Using an Advanced Food Handling Method. i-manager’s Journal on Embedded Systems, 5(4), 5-10.


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