Active Determinants for Adoption of Mobile Wallet

Pankaj Yadav*
*Lecturer (Commerce), Department of Higher Education, Government of Himachal Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2017


There has been a rapid rise in the growth of mobile technology throughout the world. In Indian perspective, it provides benefits to both customers and service providers. First to the customer (demand) side, it represents an opportunity for financial inclusion among a population that is underserved by traditional banking services. On the service provider (supply) side, it opens up possibilities for financial institutions to deliver a great diversity of services at low cost to a large customer base of the poorest sections of society and people living in remote areas. This paper identifies the active factors that influence people’s intention to use mobile wallet in India. Data was collected from a sample of 350 people from all four zones in India i.e., east, west, north, and south. The data was collected through a well structured questionnaire, by asking open ended and close ended questions regarding their attitude towards mobile wallet and their intention about its adoption/use. For analyzing and interpreting data in the present study, basic statistical tools and logistical regression analysis was used with the help of SPSS 16.0 version. Keeping in mind the previous studies, six factors (i.e., perceived quality of service, perceived risk, perceived usefulness, perceived cost, perceived ease of use, and trust) which drive customers’ intention to use mobile wallet have been chosen. The effectiveness of these extracted factors have been examined and observed that only one significant factor i.e., perceived usefulness is the factor which actively influence future intention to adopt/use mobile wallet. Further the study exhibited that perceived usefulness positively influence the intention to use/adopt mobile wallet. This model has the overall predictability of classifying 85.1% cases correctly and exhibited that 96.5% people are classified for adopting/using mobile wallet services whereas 35.4% people for not having intention to adopt/use it in future.


Mobile Wallet, Digital Wallet, Mobile Payment, M-Payment, Mobile Banking.

How to Cite this Article?

Yadav, P. (2017). Active Determinants for Adoption of Mobile Wallet. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 12(1), 7-14.


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