Whole life cycle costing for Highway Infrastructure Maintenance

Renica C. Mapfunde*, John P. Davis**, Mark Hall***, Steve Jones****
* Research Engineer, EngD in Systems, Balfour Beatty Major Civil Engineering, Redhill, Surrey, UK.
** Professorial Teaching Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, UK.
*** Senior Lecturer in Management, Department of Management, University of Bristol, UK.
**** Asset Manager, Balfour Beatty Mott MacDonald JV, Hempton Court, Bristol.
Periodicity:December - February'2011
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jce.1.1.1356


The UK Highways Agency (HA) is responsible for the operating, maintaining and continual improvement of the strategic road network in England which is made up of 14 asset groups. This public asset valued at about £88 billion and handles traffic volumes of nearly 140 billion vehicle kilometres a year requires about £900 million every year (NAO, 2009) to maintain it in a safe, serviceable and sustainable condition. This paper demonstrates that effective highway asset management requires the asset owner to optimally and sustainably manage their asset and asset systems, their associated performance, risks and maintenance costs over the asset’s whole life cycle to ensure that the asset demonstrates value for money over the long-term and that it fulfils its stakeholder requirements. There is a lack of good quality current and historical data that can be used to prioritise asset intervention activities and to minimise whole life cycle costs (WLCC). This research paper presents work done to date to develop four deterioration models for four highway asset groups.


Whole Life Cycle Costing (WLCC), Optimisation, Prioritisation, Deterioration Modelling, Highway Asset Management.

How to Cite this Article?

Mapfunde, R, C., Davis, J, P., Hall, M., and Jones, S. (2011). Whole Life Cycle Costing For Highway Infrastructure Maintenance. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 1(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.26634/jce.1.1.1356


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