Chattering Analysis in Sliding Mode Controlled DC-DCBuck Converter Using New Novel Reaching Law Method

K.B. Siddesh*, B.Basavaraj**
* Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SJMIT, Chitradurga, India.
** Professor and Chair, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, UBDTCE, Davangere, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2017


The existing design approaches of variable structure control for a class of affine systems with uncertainties are discussed for the proposed novel reaching laws based on variable structure control system. Designed by applying there types of reaching laws, they are better than the exponential rate reaching law and the variable rate reaching law can reach the region of the switching surface in finite pace and the stability of origin can be guaranteed. This approach decreases system chattering effectively and fast speed is kept. The simulation result illustrates the feasibility and validity of the proposed approaches. Various output voltages are obtained by keeping V constant and chattering is analyzed, ref minimized for different output voltages by keeping reference voltage constant, and also takes very less time to reach the steady state. The simulation results show a better reduction of chattering of the proposed novel reaching law.


Buck Converter, Chattering, Novel Reaching Law, Sliding Mode Control.

How to Cite this Article?

Siddesh, K.B., and Basavaraj, B. (2017). Chattering Analysis in Sliding Mode Controlled DC-DC Buck Converter Using New Novel Reaching Law Method. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 10(4), 22-27.


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