Unit Commitment Problem Solution for RenewableIntegrated Generation

Shubham Tiwari*, Bharti Dwivedi**, M.P. Dave***
* Research Scholar, Department of Power Systems, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, U.P., India.
** Professor, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, U.P., India.div>
*** Professor, Shiv Nadar University, Dadri, U.P., India.
Periodicity:April - June'2017
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.10.4.13510


A hybrid solution technique involving Priority List Method and Particle Swarm Optimization with time varying acceleration coefficients has been envisaged to solve Unit Commitment Problem for a generation system involving wind generation and solar generation in conjunction with conventional thermal power plants, for given load pattern. The costs obtained for two cases, one with only thermal generation, while the other with the renewable generations in conjunction with the thermal power plants. The availability of renewable energy resources have been duly taken care. The comparison between both the cases establishes a substantial reduction in the operating cost for the case where renewable generation is integrated with the thermal generation. It is found that the proposed technique is reliable and robust after executing the simulation several times. All the work has been carried out in MATLAB environment.


Unit Commitment Problem (UCP), Priority List Method (PLM), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Particle Swarm Optimization with Time Varying Acceleration Coefficients (PSO_TVAC), Renewable Energy Resources (RES), Economic Load Dispatch (ELD)

How to Cite this Article?

Tiwari, S., Dwivedi, B., and Dave, M.P. (2017). Unit Commitment Problem Solution for Renewable Integrated Generation. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 10(4), 13-21. https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.10.4.13510


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